"Contessa" was a labor of love...this book was a hard thing. Hard to go back and remember, hard to write it all down, hard to allow myself to feel it all again but I can truly say I also see how much I've healed and been blessed.
For those of you that know me well, you know I have a very hard time with self-promotion - especially when it comes to writing and my books - but this is different. Very different. I was just telling E tonight that I have already heard many people telling me how much they appreciated what I had to say and the way I said it. I've had people tell me that I wrote what they were thinking or feeling. All I can say to that is, it's what the Lord gave me and if it ministers to someone else then praise HIS name and share the good news that there is an end to grief at some point.
That doesn't mean that I don't think of Hunter often and miss him terribly. It's just different. Almost like an ache that never really goes away. I was playing with his brothers tonight and couldn't help but think, "I wish Hunter was here to get in on this!"
These guys keep my head and my heart in the right place, for sure. Samuel Ryker and Jordan Nathaniel, you make me proud to be your Grammy.
So...if you haven't heard Hunter's story yet or, if you know someone that has lost a loved one and has just begun their grief journey, could I persuade you to order a copy through Barnes & Noble, Amazon or call me and buy one from me???
I would love to see this little book do great things for the Kingdom of Christ.
'til next time ~