Well, I got an email from a friend down south yesterday. I must say, it was enlightening and encouraging at the same time. She has been reading my first book and had pointed out some grammatical errors for me (as I asked her to). The exciting thing is that, as she has been reading the story, she shared with me that she has been so "caught up" in the story that she couldn't put it down. She stayed up until 1:30 a.m. one night just so she could find out if Emily and her father find a wounded Gideon in Indian country to the north! ha-ha! It did my heart good to hear someone else (other than myself or my kids) that was interested in the storyline as well. That was my intention and my prayer. To be able to pen a story with believeable characters that would hold reader interest while sharing Christian morals and ethics. Some of you know that the writing of this first book was a total "God-thing" and I give Him all the glory and praise for the story, as well as any possible good that could come from someone reading such a story. The target audience was young women - thirteen and up but I have had comments from much older gals who purchased the book too. I would ask that those of you signed in and following this blog would not only join in the conversation but join me in prayer about the publishing of my third book this fall. I am asking the Lord for direction and discernment as I beat the bushes for a publisher (Christian) interested in contracting me for future endeavors. That is a tall order in this business, let me tell you and it will be no small feat but I "know in whom I have believed and He is faithful" to see this "thing" He has begun in me. I am praying and thanking Him for allowing me a small part in the whole thing and I know that HE knows what's best. Waiting is a very hard job sometimes. Hey! There's an idea for another post!
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