For all writers

For all writers

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Wow! That is a word that evokes all kinds of emotions and opinions these days. We all have had a "run-in" with someone in our life or we have been "wronged" by someone; gotten our feelings hurt. I had something remind me of that this very day. I was scathingly rebuked by someone once for "sticking my nose in" and "intruding" in a situation and I can assure you, was nothing like that. This person perceived that I was invading their space or something of the sort (and I don't want to get into the story). Just suffice it to say that I only suggested something be tried as an outlet to painful grief and it was met with this attitude. Of course, I would tell you, "I was only trying to help!" and you would think that was all very well and good and "poor little Pam", etc. but it wasn't like that. My motives were not only called into question but my morals and intentions as well. I guess my first question to Father was, "How can that person know what I was thinking?" I went to Him with my hurt feelings (and slightly-battered pride), desiring to be vindicated and proven right but that did not happen and the person still held ill-will towards me. We haven't seen each other in months but the other night we both attended a prayer meeting in a home for a new ministry about to begin in our area. I was surprised, as were they but we conducted ourselves appropriately and all went very well. Driving home, I was reviewing the events of the night and still questioned why those feelings after all this time. I know the Lord is trying to teach me something through all this but, for the life of me, I'm blank right now! How difficult it is to forgive someone that has wronged you when you have done nothing wrong! Ask Jesus.....remember his words as he hung on the cross? "Father, f0rgive them for they don't know what they're doing" That's some pretty heavy forgiveness. Think about Christ's blood, shed for forgiveness of ALL our sins! Oh man, heavier still. I think I just need to dig into the Word and pray that God shows me what I should say to this person. I don't think this will be easy but then again, nothing that is worth anything usually is, right?


  1. This should be no surprise I have a two Part answer... He He..
    Part One...
    Precious one,I am sorry that your heart is feeling such confusion. Kindness sometimes has a way of delivering a double edge sword because emotions are a powerful thing. Try not to confuse or connect forgiveness to the feeling of being hurt because there is a distinct difference between the two…
    You my friend, are a child of God that carries deep compassion, love, devotion, and dedicated sincerity with everything you do. The way you treat God, and yourself measures up to what you can accomplish with a lucky friend or even foe that is fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of everything you have to offer. All that you give is impeccable.Your character does not have the ability to not forgive because your identity lives the Love of Christ our Lord. However, your character has a high sensitivity to being hurt easily, especially when you feel as though you hurt the spirit to one of Gods children… I know that you’re a bit perplexed at this persons response but there is divine learning and reason on both ends of the line…
    “God’s children are equal and The Spirit of His great works do their jobs in that same capacity.”This is how we discern whether our words and actions are in line with Gods will because Gods ways “became circular to all” at the top of Mt. Calvary…If our message is true and being made Right through the palms of Jesus, the results are not designed to be one sided and there is lessons for all parties involved. We all sin and all are equal to grasping His awe inspiring knowledge whenever we so choose. Therefore, Gods solution always connects His result without manmade superiority.

  2. Part two
    Our Precious Savior has been trying to help me understand that I cannot please everyone. As a matter of fact when we truly follow Him the odds are in high favor that people will be less and less pleased with the new you… The new you sends a louder reflection of the same them and not many like the image they see when they look in the mirror…Understanding Gods way and the foreign language to which He speaks is shared by an elite group. Closed minded, religious guru’s, or non believers cannot fully grasp the deep meaning of His word. One thinks or carries a notion that they do, but all will be surprised to learn of what little we know. Therefore, we are made to deliver and move forward, not deliver and wait for their reaction. After all, Jesus is the only one who can add the finishing touches to the will of God.I try to remember that the majority is lost and will always do things, think things, and believe life as usual, and I have to allow that without stopping my own purpose. When we spend time with thoughts of hurt we’re robbing God of our much needed devotion to keep moving forward. I added the following statement to my book just yesterday,“There is a reason God created a back door to our household because He doesn’t want us sitting still for very long. We can stop to rest on lessons that need learning but He doesn’t wish for us to dwell, rehash or perhaps relive the same circumstance twice. Our purpose is to enter the house that God built, speak the message that God spoke, and leave moving forward and out the back door… Why the back door? Because the power and Love of Jesus gave us the gift to put it all behind us…” Satan wants you to stop speaking the truth because it makes a Godly difference and he will use close minded individuals to accomplish it.Here is an example, the world finds excuses for war, Gods ways finds no such avenue to hate…There are no cracks or crevasses to His ways but the world always creates them to do as we please… Here is what God taught me about the art of finger pointing and criticism is a form of finger pointing… One finger pointing at the other person, three pointed back at ourselves and our thumb pointed upward to God so we can find our enlightened solutions.The only solution is God and when we point fingers the odds are a three to one favor that the issue is more ours than the person we lay blame upon.Emotions are triggered responses to what lives within our mind, body, heart and soul. If we don’t see value in ourselves our emotional response and independent choices will reflect that same image i.e., judgment of others, angered responses, negativity, substance abuse, verbal abuse, living in adultery, idolatry, in sexual sin, easy submission of spiritual belief etc… Those that voice words in judgment cannot see a reflection of their own acts because they are too busy looking to the faces of others so they can judge their choices. They cannot make decisions on their own accord because they become jaded to the tunnel they’ve learned to view life from…Gods message cannot be conformed through the faces of our neighbors. It can only be understood or grasped through the art of viewing our own self-imaged doing.

  3. Oopps I lied it turned out to be a three part answer...
    Part three,

    What’s my point? We cannot form our service for God to match the worlds thinking unless we are doing what we do to become popular. If we are desiring God to mold our purpose to match His will, then we must learn to accept this reality. Our acts, words and ways will become less and less accepting and or popular. This is especially true going into the next Century. Our world has reached the no turn back stage and our wrong minded beliefs are now overpowering morals and spiritual integrity, e.g., Same sex marriage controversy, it’s now considered blasphemy to the thinking of many to voice that its wrong to marry or be with someone of the same sex… If a person dares to speak the truth it can be social suicide if spoken too loudly…Gods ways will divide and separate those who choose to Do His ways into a lonely prison cell. It was no accident that the Apostle Paul was imprisoned because it sends great meaning to those who are willing to grasp Gods true identity. Going against the grain and serving God should illuminate a prison like environment because His ways are never easy. We find ourselves become more and more isolated because we’re less willing to surrender easily to the art of worldly living.Believe it or not this is exactly what I needed to hear and I know without doubt it’s a message for you as well. You’re holding onto hurt not lack of forgiveness because you’re holding yourself captive to the ill spiritedness of someone other than Trusting Gods Works in you. That is why I’ve been sitting on a book incomplete, I’ve been doing the exact same thing myself. Praise you Lord… See what I mean, the circled teaching that brings grace, understanding, and awe-inspiring message that heals the hearts of many… Our Precious Mighty Jesus, I sing and glorify your name… Holy, Holy, Holy, for you are GREAT! Ask God to help you through your hurt Sweet P, because your spirit has already forgiven that person… All my Love,Kathy

  4. Kathy, I cannot tell you how much I appreciated your eloquent input. Seems that Father has also been showing me the "holding on to hurt" part and I've come to realize that only my feelings were hurt - not my physical body or anything else! I was reminded when reading 1 Chronicles 21:13. David said to Gad "I am in deep distress. Let me fall into the hands of the Lord, for His mercy is very great; but do not let me fall into the hands of men." Why? Because God's mercy is always there for us; abundant and freely given. Men(us), on the other hand, do not dispense mercy so freely or abundantly (myself included!). I thank you for your input and Father above for His unfailing mercy to me. I think there is a scripture somewhere (sorry, I didn't look it up) that tells us that as we are shown mercy, we are to do likewise. It's not a matter of how we've been wronged but how we can show mercy and forgiveness in the face of none from the other person. I remember one of the disciples asked Jesus, "how many times must I forgive my brother? five? six? seven?" and He answered, "Seventy times seven".......ooooooook! That is, as many times as need be (I'm paraphrasing here). So, here goes nothin'. Lord God, Your Word is truer and sharper than any two-edged sword and it has cut me in exactly the right place. Thank You for friends that speak truth into my life and thank You for the opportunity to do likewise. Thank You for Your gifts of mercy and grace and I praise Your holy name. Amen!
    Whew! Feel better already!
