It's June already and we just celebrated my youngest daughter's birthday. Doesn't seem possible that she's a "twenty-something". I guess that means I'm "something else"!! Anyway, in lieu of birthday cake (which she already had) I'm posting a picture of one of her next-favorite things...strawberries. Yum!
Seems whenever one of my kids has a birthday anymore, I begin to "wax philosophical" and rant on and on about how things were different years ago and so on and so forth.
Sorry, but I feel the need again today, in light of CeCe's 28th birthday! I remember when I was still home with her - hadn't gone back to work yet - she couldn't have been more than three weeks old. I had given her a bath and she was zonked. I just sat in the chair, holding her all wrapped up in a big snuggly towel, watching her sleep. I grabbed the camera, took her little fingers and held them up to my own and snapped a picture. I think I actually still have that picture somewhere.
Even though it hadn't hit me fully yet, I remember thinking to myself that I'd better savor that feeling because this would be the child of "lasts". The last one in diapers, the last one to potty train, last one in kindergarten, the last sixth grade graduation, etc. (you get the picture)
Now she is a mommy and she is thinking she may have had the "last". I wonder what she thinks as she looks at her little boys on her birthday. Could she be having some of the same feelings I had? Could she be reminding herself to savor the moments because she knows they'll be growing up fast too? (sigh)
"Ciest la vie" (Such is life) the French say. I've entered that "season" in my life when I have more to look back on than to look forward to and the look back is a mixture of many emotions and feelings. The Bible reminds us that we are all just "dust" and our lives are like a "vapor" - fleeting, at best. These days are precious and worth remembering. I should stop and "smell the roses" more, huh?
Well, summer is here and even though we still have to work, we have more time to enjoy our families. The daylight lasts longer and we love to be outside and enjoying the sunshine and the sprinkler. Have a safe summer but remember to make those memories, lots of them. Because one day soon, you'll be sitting here where I am now and taking some walks down memory lane yourself. I pray your "walks" will be as wonderful as mine!
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