Community. What does that word conjure up for you? Webster's defines community as "any group living in the same area or having interests, work, etc. in common" When you think about that definition and then think about where you live, it's really a no-brainer that we should be "involved". I realize that some of us are more involved than others; some of us don't know where we "fit" in and so forth. I just know that every time Eldon and I get involved in something (take Mudtown Days, for instance) we are always given back a hundred times what we give. We have never lived in a really large city, mostly small ones and always in Benton County so you would think we wouldn't have definite opinions about such things but you'd be think wrong! We have observed cities like Tulsa, Oklahoma - Denver, Colorado - Joplin, Missouri and they all have their ups and downs; "pros" and "cons" but I must tell you, Lowell, Arkansas is a wonderful and absolutely awesome place to live!!! We are not a town but a CITY with the feel of a small town in the sense that sometimes, when you go through the drive-thru at Sonic or the bank, someone will know you and call you by your first name. We have watched Lowell grow and expand with great anticipation about what our city could be one day. I guess that visiting with people from all over this past weekend, I have just had a resurgence of hometown pride, maybe that's what it is, I don't know. But I do know that the people that live and work in Lowell are some of the best you will ever meet...anywhere. Hands down. I would just say here that, if you live in Lowell or in close proximity, shop there first. Give the local business owners a chance to earn your business. We have so much to be thankful for in this world and I, for one, am so thankful I live in Lowell!
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